It's what's for dinner.
A family tradition.
It's what I choose as my special birthday meal.
I can always count on it as the perfect leftover.
Spaghettie meat pie is what we call it...and I decided to make it for myself this past Saturday.
This past year I have joined two local co-ops and have chose organic over conventional. When buying meat, which is seldom, I look for organic. My Co-op in Ames, Iowa is not as abundant as my old St. Paul, MN at times I have to shop at the local Hy-Vee (a Midwest grocery store...or maybe it just Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa...hmmm? I need to travel more).
On Saturday I couldn't find any organic beef and couldn't bring myself to get the conventional beef. I prefer my cows to actually graze in pastures and feed on grass as opposed to stuck in a cage and force fed corn mush with a side of antibiotics.
Stearing away from the beef packages wrapped in cellophane I decide to try something new. I head back to the Natural Market corner where all that weird "natural" food is soy products and expensive organic stuff...please note the intended sarcasm. And then I see it---Gimmi Lean meatless fat free cholesterol free meat. I think to myself, "It can't be so bad. It says to just fry it up in a skillet and is great in tacos, marinara sauce, omelets, and lasagna, or just sausage patties."
I'll give anything a try.
As hard as I try it doesn't taste like my favorite meat pie.
My fake meat just wasn't that good for dinner.