Wednesday, November 28, 2007

if you read my blog and i know who you are then you are invited to our party but if i don't know you and you want to come then that might be weird

We just taught our dog to serve us egg nog,
so we're having a party to show off our smarty.

Sometimes she farts but she's dear to our hearts,
her name is Judy and she's just such a cutie.

Enhance the holiday cheer by bringing in your own beer.
Or I could make a mixed drink, we've got gin under the sink.

Have a seat by the fire, it's a sight to admire.
It'll keep your toes hot while that nog hits the spot.

Come and see our new home made of stucco and stone.
The street name is Blair, so we'll see you there.

Saturday, Dec. 15th at 6:30 pm - please come and eat!

P.S. If you don't care for beer, you're still not in the clear
it's our sincerest wish that you'd bring a food dish!


keo boun pheng said...

anne: thanks for the invite & the comment on my blog! i will check with my hub's schedule and let you know, ok?

Trisha said...

I know you, so thanks for the invite. Just wish I wasn't 6 hours away. Have fun!

Cheryl said...

I liked my haiku so much, I thought I'd post it:

Thanks for the invite.
I'll still be in Chicago,
unable to attend