Thursday, August 28, 2008


I feel ALIVE.
I feel AWAKE.

And it feels amazing.

Simply amazing.

Monday, August 25, 2008

corn dogs

After a ten plus year absence I made it to the Minnesota State Fair!

Jake and I decided last minute to bike to the State Fair on Saturday afternoon - it was absolutely gorgeous out and we were craving some corn dogs and cheese curds.

We arrived at 3:15 and left at 7:15 and in those four hours we consumed; 2 corn dogs, 1 bowl of apples, caramel, and vanilla ice cream, 2 pecan candy turtles, 1 almond dipped pretzel, 1 serving of cheese curds, 1 cotton candy on a stick, 2 pronto pups, and 1 glass of fresh squeezed lemonade.

We also saw everything single animal at the fair. Well, maybe not, but it felt like it. The afternoon was fantastic - exhausting but so worth it!

I think we will need to go one more time to make sure we satisfy all our corn dog and cheese curd cravings.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

packing peanuts

Last week I made the final push in the "clean-up/organize" the last of the wedding aftermath....flattening boxes, folding tissue paper, stuffing ribbons in bins, etc.

Jake would tell you he thought I was crazy at the time when I packed up three big boxes of biodegradable packing peanuts. I was going to put them on Craigslist.

You never know, right?

So yesterday I post my ad for these 3 boxes of biodegradable packing peanuts and within 5 minutes I get a call from Mark and he wants them all!

What are the chances? I save the peanuts, I post the ad, someone is looking for them on Craigslist and there they are?! Hilarious.

Who's crazy now Jake?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

guess what?

Yesterday I resigned from my job!!!


More details later.

Monday, August 18, 2008

total success

The Yard Sale was a total success. We got rid of EVERYTHING. Seriously.

Over 150 people total --- 100 people alone on Saturday. I posted on Craigslist on Sunday that all would be FREE at noon and there were people waiting at 11:55 in front of our house.

Best part, by far, were the people...hard core 'garage salers' - smokin' cigarettes in my front yard and scootering in 30 minutes early to "beat the rush".

All in all the weekend was so much fun! Peter, Cassie, Jake and I just hung out in the front yard enjoying the beautiful weather, testing our basic math skills, making a little money and people watching - it was great.

Friday, August 15, 2008

yard sale!

Yard Sale!!!

Cassie and I are having our first Garage Sale (that is actually in my front yard so we are calling it a Yard Sale!).

Jake and I walked all around the neighborhood this morning and put up signs --- I hope people come.

If you want to stop by --- we will be our front from 9-2 on Saturday and 9-12 on Sunday.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I love love love these photos!

Friday, August 08, 2008


I am watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics from China...and I am speechless.

But there is no way I could let 8.8.08 at 8:08 pm pass without a few words out to the world.

Monday, August 04, 2008

esther rose

We met her last night and she couldn't be more perfect.