Visits to Arizona and then Boston all in two short weeks.
Finding out we are getting kicked out of our apartment.
Deciding that we want to buy a house.
And a dog.
Well, not really but maybe someday.
But with all that said - there is still something that has topped all the excitement of these last few weeks...and the story is about to unfold.
Paige and I had just heard Lisa Ling speak about her experiences, passions, and journalism. She told stories of heartache and injustice of women and children all over the world, to a room full of people that could have listened to her stories for weeks. She was amazing. I was inspired and moved by her honesty and compassion.
It was great. Then came the private reception with Lisa Ling. I was nervous and excited and there was a lot of build up to this moment (running to get some nuns and thinking I had lost Paige). But all worked out and a circle had formed around Lisa Ling.
When it came time for me to introduce myself to Lisa Ling (who by the way works for Oprah - with Oprah - has sat next to Oprah on her couch) and ask her a really smart, intelligent, thoughtful question - I just reached out my hand and said, "hi, i'm anne" and nervously looked away.
Oh No What Have I Done?
Then it came to Paige and she reached out her hand and Lisa Ling shook it and Paige said, "So, what's Oprah like?" It was perrrfect and I relaxed instantly. Paige was quoting Chris Rock on David Letterman.
Minutes later, Lisa Ling's car arrived and she had to go...but not before two people stalled with an awkward - the guy doesn't know how to use a fancy camera - photo for the school newspaper. Paige turns to me and says, "We can't have LISA LING leave without getting a photo for our blogs!!!!" I grab my camera out of my purse and just as the awkward photo is done I say, "Lisa, two seconds, photo, like best friends." I stretch out my left arm and tilt my head to the right as Lisa Ling practically rests her cheek on Paige, I take the photo.
It was perfect. And isn't this photo just perfect? Hello!!!