Monday, July 23, 2007


I am at a conference where they have free food and snacks all day.
Did I mention free drinks as well? Just at night with dinner.
Last night I had lobster! I love New England. Tonight I started the dance after the BBQ. Seriously. It was so fun.

Here is the hilarious e-mail I sent to Jake last night....after a few glasses of free wine. i love conferences.

oh hun. i miss you so much. i wish you were here with me, i love you. i am buzzed right now forsure. i want to laught outloud but i have two roomates - i don't want to be that person that is loud and annoying. i am going to wash my face and brush my teeth now and then checkt osee what time ih ave to eat breakfast i don't wan to miss that. hello. then i will sleep long ab dhard i am so tierd. i am speelling nad spacing wr4ong but oh well when i replied to others not you i was very careful i mssyou and love you and will talk toy outojmorrow.. gezzei amn don'nt want to type anyme. anne

I feel like I am in college again. Living in a dorm with two roommates. Totally loving life and sharing a shower. But in my real life college experience I didn't drink free wine, I didn't drink at all. So maybe this is me reliving that experience.



Trisha said...

I was going to say that this doesn't sound like you in college, in college you were just buzzed on life, boys and friends. Glad you are enjoying yourself!

Thomas said...

Free drinks? Where?

Anonymous said...

I love Anne.

Marissa said...

i LOVE that email! hilarious. my freshman year of college i wrote a similar buzzed email to my best friend - complete with typos, misspellings and 'i love yous' and 'miss yous'! :)