Friday, June 24, 2005

do you want to see my apartment?

Originally uploaded by akl.
This is where I live. This is what it looked like when I first moved my stuff looks different now, not that different I guess, just more "put together." I will post a more updated picture when I have a digital camera in my hands...but it probably won't really look that different. How much different can 225 square feet look? Anyway, those are Jake's Chacos by the red chair.


DARLing said...

i love your apartment :)
Get to stumble in your blog through sFo
Always believe a tear of real emotion without really knowing the person as i am one of them

Jenny said...

Perchance, is the shelf in the corner from Ikea? I adore that store and I can't wait until they put one in Michigan. I guess it will be a few more months. Cannot. Wait.

Anne said...

Thanks for visiting Darling.


It is not...I actually got it at a garage sale for $15 dollars! I love IKEA way too much. I am sure you will have no problem filling your new addition (and I bet they have a shelf similar to the one I have).

Jenny said...

Um.... what were you standing on to get this pic? hehe

still_figuring_out said...

uhhh. ikea....yummy, yummy.

Anne said...

I am using a wide angle lens and I think I might be just holding the camera above my head! Wide angle lens' are amazing! is IKEA!!!